Supported Networks

To use Chainlink Automation on certain networks, you may need to conduct token transfers. You can transfer tokens by using Chainlink CCIP, Transporter or third-party applications such as XSwap.


  • Payment Premium % (paymentPremiumPPB): This percentage premium compensates the Chainlink Automation Network for monitoring and performing your upkeep. Every time a transaction is submitted for your upkeep, your LINK balance is reduced by the transaction cost plus this percentage premium.
  • Flat Fee Micro Link (flatFeeMicroLink): A flat fee charged per transaction on all testnets and OP Mainnet.
  • Maximum Check Data Size (maxCheckDataSize): The maximum size, in bytes, that can be sent to your checkUpkeep function.
  • Check Gas Limit (checkGasLimit): The maximum amount of gas that can be used by your checkUpkeep function for offchain computation.
  • Perform Gas Limit (performGasLimit): The maximum amount of gas that can be used by the client contract's performUpkeep function for the onchain transaction. You can set an upper limit on your upkeep during registration, but this number must not exceed the maxPerformGas on the Registry.
  • maximum Perform Data Size (maxPerformDataSize): The maximum size in bytes that can be sent to your performUpkeep function.
  • Gas Ceiling Multiplier (gasCeilingMultiplier): Establishes a ceiling for the maximum price based on the onchain fast gas feed.
  • Minimum Upkeep Spend (LINK): The minimum amount of LINK an upkeep must spend over its lifetime. If the lifetime (or total) upkeep spend is below this amount, then at cancellation this amount will be held back.

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